Turn water into gooey slime
Gunky Green Slime Baff

Gunky Green

Oozy Red Slime Baff

Oozy Red

Goo Blue Slime Baff

Goo Blue

Slime Baff Colour Range

What is Slime Baff?

From the makers of Gelli Baff comes Slime Baff! Slime Baff is a powder that turns bath water into gooey slime. Sprinkle the powder over the bath water and watch as the water magically turns into gooey slime. When the fun is done simply turn the taps back on to dilute the slime. Gelli Slime gives children a fun bath time, does not block drains and is kind on skin.

  • Makes Bath Time Fun!
  • Ideal for Messy Play Days
  • Made in the UK
  • Easy to Clean & Leaves No Stains or Marks
  • Softens and Cleans Skin as they Play

Available at:


Slime Baff in the Bath

Instructions Please read carefully before use

Slime Baff Making

1. Slime Making!

  1. Run the taps with warm water
  2. When the bath has reached a quarter full and with the taps still running sprinkle the powder slowly under the running water
  3. After sprinkling the powder continue to fill the bath to just under half full and turn taps off

Slime Baff Bath Time

2. Bath Time!

  1. Warning: Slime Baff will be SLIPPERY so take care entering the bath
  2. The slime will get thicker and thicker the more you mix it into the water
  3. Have fun in the bath with the slime

Slime Baff Dilute

3. Slime Removal!

  1. Stay in the bath and turn the taps back on to water down the slime for a couple of minutes
  2. Pull the waste plug and turn of the taps. The slime will run down the waste pipe easily and is environmentally friendly
  3. We recommend that when your Slime Baff bath is empty, stay sitting down and fill the bath again and have a normal bath using your favourite bubble bath to remove the slime residue
  4. Whilst other methods of removing the residue from your body, such as using a shower head, can be used, it is advised that you take caution when manoeuvring inside the bath as it will be very slippery!

Parent Tips

Slime Baff is totally safe.

  • Slime Baff is developed by the leading beauty and spa products manufacturer Gelicity Skin Technology and conforms to strict cosmetic testing regulations in the UK.
  • Doesn't stain your towels, carpets or kids
  • Goo ingredients: Slime Baff is a harmless powder

Dos and Don'ts

For maximum fun follow the laws of Slime Baff!

  1. Not recommended for children under 5 years of age unless supervised by an adult. Don't put too much water in the bath
  2. Enjoy Slime Baff sitting down. Slime is slippery!
  3. Don't eat Slime Baff. It's not nice and just like regular soap, if you get Slime Baff in your eyes it could sting, so make sure to rinse it out with plenty of clear water
  4. Don't forget to wash the slime out of your hair

Product Range

Gunky Green Slime Baff

Gunky Green

Oozy Red Slime Baff

Oozy Red

Goo Blue Slime Baff

Goo Blue

Product Range

Crackle Baff

Crackle Baff

Glitter Gelli Baff

Glitter Gelli Baff

Gelli Baff

Gelli Baff

Available in blue, green, pink and red

Available at